Hana Donnelly's CSCE 190 site

Problem statement: Choosing clothes

Young people are having trouble finding stylish work-appropriate outfits when looking to network and get jobs due to lack of experience in the field, and it is impacting their hireability. Our solution will help them to easily and quickly find outfits that they can wear that are work-appropriate and considered fashionable.

Affinity diagram

My group worked together to brainstorm all the components that would make up our app, which is made to help people choose outfits.

Four personas for our app

These are four personas of typical clothing-finding-app users.

Persona storyboards

These storyboards tell the stories of our personas and how they came to discover and use our app.

Sketch: Outfits

These are possible solutions sketched out that can solve our outfits problem.

Paper Prototype: Our outfitting app

This is a sketched-out prototype of our fashion/outfit app used in brainstorming.

Paper Prototype: Useability Testing

This is the data sheet from useability testing conducted on my parents from my paper prototype.

Low-fi Prototype

This prototype is a low-fi prototype that we used to design pages for what our app may look like on a phone.

High-fi Prototype

This prototype is a high-fi prototype that we used to design pages for what our app may look like on a phone.

High-fi Prototype Demo

This is a video conference walkthrough of our hi-fi demo for our app. We use the app the way it would work as an app, and explain what everything does.